
Optima 2019

June saw the very first Optima AHP event alongside the Otima CTO conference at the Royal College of Physicians in London.

June 6th & 7th 2019 – June saw the very first Optima AHP event alongside the Optima CTO conference at the Royal College of Physicians in London . The event was aimed at cath lab teams and helping them to understand what they need to create successful teams. VP|ED partnered with a no. of key AHP’s as well as Physicians from across the UK who all presented on their specialist area and shared knowledge with the AHP audience.

Delegates also had the chance to get hands on with our very own simulators and models with the sessions available throughout the two day programme.

The two days were packed with stimulating lectures offering the AHP delegates invaluable insight and shared knowledge. The topics ranged from the importance of team work, Pressure wires and Radiographers.

We strive to build successful knowledge sharing environments, and with the help of health professionals, our team are able to provide valuable workshops and courses like this.

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